Researchers Find Largest Prime Number!
As reported today, researchers at Central Missouri State University found the largest known prime number. It's 9.1 million digits long.
I'm glad for them...what a coup that must be to find the superlative of anything.
I just have one question: why? Why is this important?
I'm glad for them...what a coup that must be to find the superlative of anything.
I just have one question: why? Why is this important?
Okay now - primes are extremely important ; )
They are one of the major componants of cryptography /encryption - $$ is there.
Without them, Dan Brown wouldn't have had a book!
Prime numbers are the building blocks of integers.
Plus, if you're a fan of number theory (Euclid's Secornd Theorem) that primes are infinite - and of course that becomes a challenge, like climbing a mountain. If you can prove that primes aren't infinite - your name will be in text books for years to come!
Well, that must be why Dan Brown is making tons of money, and I'm...well, I'm writing about vampires in 19th century England!
LOL - I dare you Colleen, I doubel dog dare you to get prime numbers in one of your manuscripts ; )
I do love a challenge.....
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