Thursday, November 24, 2005

Not me, no way!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and sundry!

I have so much to be thankful for this year, not the least of which is a healthy, happy family and a book contract!

Gotta ask two questions for anyone who happens to be surfing instead of cooking (or surfing and hoping the turkey's going to baste itself!)....

First, is it me, or is it abominably rude to ask to invite an additional family to the Thanksgiving dinner you were invited to six weeks ago? To a family gathering? Two days before the day? *scratching head*

And, how many of you are going shopping Friday morning to catch the sales? How many refuse to go anywhere near Target, Meijer and Toys R Us on the day after Thanksgiving?

No me, no way! Sign me up for Pride & Prejudice instead.


Blogger MJFredrick soliloquized...

Nothing tempts me at the stores this year. Last year, Target had the last season of Buffy for $17 and I'm still kicking myself.

Tomorrow's my day to decorate. If I find I don't have something I think I need, I'll run to the store, but not the biggies.

Thursday, November 24, 2005 3:22:00 PM  
Blogger Jana DeLeon soliloquized...

Okay - One, it is BEYOND rude to invite a family to someone else's dinner. If it's a lonely single, I can see it, but an entire family could have bothered to cook and serve their own food.

Two - no way am I shopping. I'm doing everything online and probably will not hit a store again until January.

Friday, November 25, 2005 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger Elly soliloquized...

Yeah, I think it's incredibly rude to do that. It would be less rude in fact to send appologies and say that you had some other family commitments come up and team up with that family to do your own Thanksgiving.

And I stayed away from the stores on Friday. I did end up going to Handcocks Fabrics at like 6pm, but it didn't have anyone there.

Monday, November 28, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

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