Kicking off a Busy Week...

It's a funny, romantic mystery sure to get you to (at least) giggling, if not outright laughing. Trust me. I'm hard to please when it comes to humor.
I'm going to give away another copy of the book on the blog today, but the rest of you need to rush out and buy it, okay? So, comment on today's post and you'll be entered in the contest to win a signed copy. Winner to be announced tomorrow.
And just to whet your whistle a little, Jana has given me an exclusive excerpt to share...
There was no mistaking the creaking of the cabin floor and Dorie immediately knew she wasn’t alone. Reaching one hand out of the shower, she turned off the light but left the water running. The sound of the shower would give her intruder the idea that he had the edge. He might let down his guard.
She watched the hall closely, her eyes quickly adjusting to the dark. It was only seconds later when she saw a figure emerge in front of the bathroom door. At once, she jumped out of the shower, tearing the curtain with her as she went. Grabbing the intruder around the neck, she shoved her gun to his head.
“Give me a reason,” Dorie said, her finger tightening on the trigger. “Just one good reason.”
“Dorie,” the man managed to choke out. “It’s Richard.”
She lowered her gun and released him from the chokehold. Reaching into the bathroom, she flipped on the light. Sure enough, it was Richard, dripping wet from the attack of the flying shower curtain and rubbing at red marks on his throat.
“What the hell were you thinking?” she exploded. “I could have killed you.”
“I’m beginning to see that,” Richard said and reached behind her for a towel hanging on the wall. “I thought you were in the shower. I didn’t want to disturb you. I just wanted to make sure you were all right. But then the lights went off and I got worried. Jesus, Dorie, don’t tell me you shower with your gun.”
Dorie gave him a derisive look. “Of course I shower with my gun. I built a special shelf for it right into the wall.”
Richard gave her a look of disbelief, and she pointed to the crude tile shelf on the shower wall, placed just high enough to be out of the stream of running water.
“You’re crazy,” he said and shook his head.
“I’m crazy? I’m not the one who almost got his head blown off for breaking and entering someone else’s private residence. Is this the kind of thing they teach you at the DEA?”
Richard finished drying his face and took a good look at her. “No, but if they’d told us that the view was always this good, I would have tried it before now.”

I mean, they're actually giving away two sets of the A&E version of the 10th Anniversary edition of Pride & Prejudice!
All you have to do is visit the blog and comment on the posts. So hop over there, Colin Firth and P&P fans.
Good luck!
Holy Crap, I'm all over BOTH!
I'm with Zeek. I'm actually giddy and it's waaay too early on a Monday for me to feel this excited.
Oooo...giveaways! What a great way to start a week!
Hey, thanks, Colleen!
Oh hurray! I need something fun on a Monday! Thanks, Colleen!!
This is much better than the spider post.
I despise arachnids. (((shiver)))
Okay, you got me interested now 'cause that excerpt made me laugh and it ain't for a book to make me laugh!
I've been looking forward to Rumble on the Bayou. Can't wait to read it.
I already have the A&E Pride and Prejudice ~ but I wouldn't mind winning Colin Firth.
ooh.. i want to win Colin Firth! i'll be signing up for that.. lol
I love the way the excerpt ends. Makes you ask for more.
The little excerpt from Rumble on the Bayou was good. I am going to put it on my can't wait to read list.
Hehehe on the excerpt }:)
Rumble in the Bayou looks really cute!
OMG COLLEEN!!! I nearly had a heart attack when I scrolled down to comment and saw that nasty HUGE ugly horrid spider *shivers* man, you made me forget my comment...oh...
um...*shivers* yeah, that excerpt was funny! Loved that her name is Dorie, a friend of mine calls me Dorie sometimes, but it's related to the forgetful fish in Finding Nemo LOL!
Oooh...oooh...pick me!...pick me!
What a thrill it is to win a free book! Thanks for the chance!
You gotta love a girl who's got a shelf for her gun in the shower! This sounds absolutely fantastic.
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